Internet Intelligence Memo

Don't be left behind when the internet enters it's next phase...

The Internet Is Evolving. Are You Evolving With It?

Will it be the end of the world for some businesses and professions? Unfortunately, yes. Many businesses will cease to be in business as technology increasingly favors its first adopters and outpaces the human domain for commercial gains.

Subject matter experts of all stripes can talk endlessly and authoritatively about trends – after they happen. If you listen to them, then you will continually find yourself on the tail end of groundbreaking new developments with the rest of the crowd.

Will you be still relevant after the end of the world?

The internet is a big, big place and it's hard enough keep apace of all the new trends, let alone to get a handle on how they impact your industry or trade. Websites. Search engines. Social media platforms. Content delivery.

Today, I want you to make a promise to yourself that you will never again get in on the tail-end of major new internet developments or give your competition right of first refusal on advancement opportunities.

From this moment on, you need to get out ahead of these changes to seize the dominant position in your business or trade.

No matter where you are when you fully stepped into the digital era, you can pre-position yourself to step gracefully into the next.

Learn the macro-trends impacting global demand for your products and services before they happen.

How would you have liked to get out in front of the Search Engine Optimization, Social Media or Content Marketing before they became industry defining terms? Or invested in Google, Facebook and a plethora of other major properties before they became household names?

For my entire adult working life, I've been helping business leaders discern the larger patterns unfolding in global commerce and beat their competition to the punch.

My singular purpose is to help you enter the digital age with a comfortable command of the subject and the confidence to:

  • Fully capitalize on all the opportunities available to them.

  • Read the Tradewinds: Synthesizing trends that apply to

  • Submitting to constant learning

  • Scanning the news for every pertinent morsal

Now, as the internet moves into it's next phase of development, will you go with it?

Benefits: I want to equip you with the critical insight, intelligence and inspiration to do just that.

  • Invest your time, money and resources more intelligently

  • Stay abreast of emerging new markets

  • Discover where the your bigger, better provisioned competitors are focusing their attention and why.

  • We look at the meta trends guiding the next evolution of the internet

  • Discover new advertising channels and formats as they become available to use.

  • Reimagine new ways to "merchandise your offerings" in the global marketplace

  • Confidently navigate the ever expanding ecosystem of platforms.

  • Manage your audience life-cycle with scientific precision.

Do you want to become a better CEO?

Then you need to be a better CEO and arm yourself with the best information available to make mission critical decisions with impeccable timing. Then, you will know where to direct your attention for maximum impact. And, you will be forearmed with the knowledge to weather any storm.

Next Issue

What's Inside Issue #4:

  1. The Attention Economy and what it means for your business.

  2. Strategic Foresight: Macro-trends for 2020 and Beyond

  3. 12x Monthly Intelligence Memos

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Internet Intelligence Memo

Don't be left behind when the internet enters it's next phase...