Harry Duran - Headshot.png

A note from Tyler…

The day I cracked the code on what it takes to successfully launch and market an authority-building podcast, I felt an immediate shot of confidence and excitement!

I absolutely love podcasting (and I cannot lie). I mean, I've been the host of Podcast Junkies since 2014...

Here's the great news for you... I've outlined the 6 pillars that guarantee the successful launch of your podcast.

I've prepared this 2019 Podcast Quick Start Workshop to help you cut through all the clutter and avoid common pitfalls, so you can confidently launch and market your podcast... all while building your business and brand in the most impactful way possible.

Can't wait to see you there!

Nov 4, 2019

2pm EST, 11am PST

LIVE WORKSHOP with Harry Duran Including Live Q&A, and an action-packed, super-valuable PDF workbook 

Learn the Same Models Used to Launch Internet Based Businesses In Every Industry


1. Plan

Create Your Winning Plan

Learn exactly how we walk our clients through the naming, positioning and branding of their podcast. I'll share the tools we use for creating compelling and Apple-compliant artwork.

2. Position

Take Your Winning Position

Discover why your website branding matters. Here we'll explain the importance of selecting the right hosting company as well as equipment and recording recommendations.


3. Production

Get Your PRoduction Humming

With 750K+ shows in the Apple Podcasts directory, quality is SO important. I'll provide editing and mastering basics and free tools and how to properly submit your podcast to Apple.

4. Publish

Publish Like a Boss

Learn how to get guests scheduled for your show, professionally. I'll share the best show notes template to use and free transcription options. You'll be provided with the complete list of distribution platforms so you can ensure your show is on all of them.


5. Promote

6. Profit

Design Your Profit Model

Learn the ONE thing you want to include in EVERY episode. I'll cover how to organize each episode for a proper call-to-action. I'll also share the multiple profit models available so you can determine which is best for you.

Ramp Up Promotion

Why is a mailing list so important? Here you'll learn why, as well as best practices for promoting each episode. I'll cover the most important tools and services you are probably not aware of.


Enroll for just $249 now, and learn how to launch and market your podcast!